Brooklyn Bridge
— Van Genk, Willem
Brooklyn Bridge is set out in two horizontal strips: the upper section is dominated by an airplane, ship and zeppelin; the lower section depicts predominantly architecture: two bridges (the same scene twice), cranes on the banks of the river and urban high-rise buildings in the background. The piece is signed on an ochre-coloured strip in the centre: Ontw. WFAM van Genk ’s Gravenhage. His training as commercial artist can be seen in the brand names: Gevaert, Bayer aspirine, Coca Cola.
The artwork consists of many little drawings, drawn on several peaces of paper cut-outs, and plastic, glued on brown wrapping paper.
Brooklyn Bridge has been shown in many exhibitions throughout Europe:
Willem van Genk, een getekende wereld, expo in De Stadshof Zwolle 1998 en Schloss Bönnigheim, en Chateau de l’art brut, Lausanne, 1999.
Welkom De Stadshof, Museum Dr. Guislain, Gent 2002.
Raw vision, an exhibition of Outsider Art, London 2004.
Schets of Schim, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt 2007.
Confrontaties, Verbeke Foundation, Kemzeke 2010. Sous le vent de l’art brut2. Collection De Stadshof, HSP Paris 2014-15. Outsider Art. Creativiteit buiten de kaders, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, 2015.