Vignes, José (Pépé)
Joseph Vignes is the second out of five children. He grew up in Elne, in a village in eastern Pyrenees. He kept several jobs – cooper, accordionist, singer. He began drawing in the 1960s. First he used coloured pencils, later on felt-tip pens. He has drawn mainly on pieces of cardboard or Kraft paper. He represents all kinds of objects: boats, cars, motor homes, buses, trains, planes, fish. Very often he adds small hearts in the corners of his drawings as the symbol of love he feels for his fellow men, especially women. His signature appears several times. Often in the same drawing he declines his name while adding a few modifications every time: Vignes, Joseph Vignes, Josef di pépé Vignes, Vignes josep di pépé, Vignes Vignes, Josep pépé Vignes, Josep de Josep Vignes…
Claude Massé; Publications de la Collection de l’Art Brut, fascicule 11, Lausanne, 1982.
1920 Paris, France - 2007 France